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Soal PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 SMP/MTs Kelas 8 (VIII) Kurikulum 2013

Soal dan Pembahasan PAS Matematika Kelas 8 (VIII) SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru

I. Choose the right answer!

The following dialog is for questions 1-2
Teacher : “Attention, please. Now let’s say it together : Yes, we are ready. We will use English in the English class.”
Students : “Yes, we are ready. We will use English in the English class.”
Teacher : “Hey, Dayu. Stop doing that, please.”
Dayu : “I’m so sorry Ma’am.”

1. The teacher says, “Hey, Dayu. Stop doing that please.”
What does she express?
A. She compliments Dayu
B. She asks for Dayu’s opinion.
C. She asks Dayu to pay attention
D. She checks Dayu’s understanding

2. What shoud the students do after the dialog?
A. They use English in the English class.
B. They use English in class every day.
C. They are more active during the English class.
D. They stop doing activities during the English class.

The following dialog is for questions 3-4
Erlin : “I can’t use my bicycle. Brother, do you think you can refit the chain please?
Edwin : “Yes, I think so. I have done it before.
Erlin : “Thanks so much.”
Edwin : “No problem.”

3. Who is Erlin?
A. Edwin’s cousin
B. Edwin’s sister
C. Edwin’s aunt
D. Edwin’s friend

4. What is Erlin’s problem?
A. Her bicycle’s chain has loosened.
B. She asks Edwin to give her a ride.
C. She cannot repair Edwin’s bicycle.
D. She would like to use Edwin’s bicycle.

The instruction means . . .
A. talk here
B. don’t talk
C. please talk
D. stop here

6. Dani often comes late to school. His teacher tells him, “. . . .”
A. Don’t be late
B. Don’t go to school
C. Please come late
D. Don’t come back here

7. Please wash your hands . . . eating.
A. after
B. before
C. while
D. when

8. The room is too dark. Please . . . the lamp.
A. turn off
B. turn over
C. turn down
D. turn on

The text is for questions number 9 and 10